Superpower Group


File Overview: UIAB has been making information about an organization superpower from different universes like Sonic the Hedgehog Universe, Freedom Planet Universe, Havoc Fox Universe, Minecraft Universe, etc. there is organization created by emperor aeos for his purpose, there is organization decided to be become superheroes, there is supervillains organization; etc.

Threat Code

Proxy The Group is under direct control by UIAB.
Allied The Group is consistently cooperative with and/or helpful to UIAB.
Neutral The Group has little or no affiliation with UIAB.
Ambiguous The Group displays varying or contradictory affiliation with UIAB.
Hostile The Group is motivated to harm or destroy humanity and/or the UIAB.
Unknown The Group has unknown motives in relation to UIAB.

Phoenix Fighters


Leader: Emperor Aeos

Headquarters: Arion FR40

Different Universe: UIAB Universe

Overview: Phoenix Fighters is an organization of superheroes led by Emperor Aeos, the member of Phoenix Fighters who is a child, and the child adoption of Emperor Aeos from any kind of different universe. The headquarters of Phoenix Fighters is on Arion FR40 in the UIAB Universe. The organization is tasked with protecting different universes from the biggest threats and supervillains.

Meta Forces Legion


Leader: Emperor Aeos

Headquarters: Arion FR40

Different Universe: UIAB Universe

Overview: Meta Forces Legion is a supervillain organization led by Emperor Aeos. The members of Meta Forces Legion are villains from any kind of different universe. Meta Forces Legion's main goal is to help Emperor Aeos and UIAB with their tasks and jobs.

United Creatures Forces Alliance (UCFA)


Leader: Director Council UCFA

Headquarters: Arion FR40

Different Universe: UIAB Universe

Overview: UCFA is a united creatures entity organization for help with Emperor Aeos and UIAB. UCFA headquarters is located in Arion FR40 in the UIAB Universe. UCFA held a meeting and discussion with fellow entity beings from different universes to provide the following opinions. UCFA helps and protects entity beings who are suffering and are victims of cruelty by humans and evil entity beings and enemies. UCFA fully supports and assists UIAB in carrying out these missions and tasks.

Umbrella Corporation


Leader: Executives CEO Umbrella Corporation, Albert Wesker

Headquarters: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America(Division), Europe (Main Headquarters) (Resident Evil Universe only), Southeast Asian (The Outer World Universe only), Arion FR40 (UIAB Universe now)

Different Universe: Resident Evil Universe

Overview: Umbrella Corporation is a organization established in 1968 lead by Oswell E. Spencer the organization was a multinational conglomerate developed and production a product such like cosmetics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, industrial machine production, consumer products, health foods, the transportation industry and tourism.

Umbrella Corporation do cover up their illegal activities when umbrella start creating a deadly virus and biological weapon also B.O.W for profit and militaries across the world. In 1998 Umbrella Corporation disbanded after the events zombie outbreak in raccoon city in many years later UIAB do invade and colonization also rule Resident Evil Universe Umbrella Corporation established again by emperor Aeos and then the Headquarters of umbrella corporation established in two different universe.

in UIAB Universe Umbrella Corporation established in Arion FR40 as a main headquarters and for supplied for UIAB as a weaponized.

in The Outer World Universe Umbrella Corporation established in Southeast Asian as a headquarters Umbrella Corporation become part for do PME for help UIAB for achieve age of miracle and Miratheosis also do many experiments to human for make human become superior humanity and create a biological weapon for customer in black market. Umbrella Corporation do experiments for create a biological immortality and biological regeneration for help truth suffered people and as a part for PME.



Leader: Carla Radames (deceased), Glenn Arias (deceased), The Bioterrorism Leader

Headquarters: Lanshiang, China (Resident Evil universe only), Mexican (Main Headquarters) (The Outer World Universe only), All Around World (The Outer World Universe only)

Different Universe: Resident Evil Universe

Overview: Neo-Umbrella is a bioterrorism organization lead by Carla Radames for Unleash the C-Virus on the entire world and destroy human civilization until she dead and her plan failed later.

After UIAB ruled Resident Evil Universe then Neo-Umbrella established by emperor aeos in The Outer World Universe for cause the Doomsday and destroy human civilization Neo-Umbrella utilise truth suffered people, people with their life destroy, and good people get hurt for recruit and become new member of Neo-Umbrella for help Neo-Umbrella for cause zombie outbreak and deadly virus outbreak for cause Doomsday and destroy human civilization around the world.

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