Documents Formats
rating: 0+x

See Also

Documents RIU Formats

[[module Rate]]

**Item #:** RIU-XXXX

**Imperial Levels:**

**Imperial Containment:** 





[[div class="footer-wikiwalk-nav"]]
<< [[[RIU-XXXW]]] | RIU-XXXX | [[[RIU-XXXY]]] >>

Interview Template

> **Interviewed:** [The person, persons, or RIU being interviewed]
> **Interviewer:** [Interviewer, can be blocked out using █]
> **Foreword:** [Small passage describing the interview]
> **<Begin Log, [optional time info]>**
> **Interviewer:** [speech]
> **Person:** [speech]
> [Repeat as necessary]
> **<End Log, [optional time info]>**
> **Closing Statement:** [Small summary and passage on what transpired afterward]

Note: When inserting block quotes with the > symbol, make sure you add a space after each > you use— otherwise your text won't show up as a block quote.

Facility Anomaly Dossier Formats

[Site or Area] [give name of it example Research Area 14] [also use code like this [[[Research Area 14]]] for entering you facility document]

**Description:** [description of facility anomaly]

**Housed RIU:** [list RIU contain on this facility]

Facility Superpower Dossier Formats

[Site Imperium or Area Imperium] [give name of it example Imperium Area 14] [also use code like this [[[Imperium Area 14]]] for entering you facility document]

**Description:** [description of facility superpower]

**Housed Superpower:** [list creatures entity, object superpower, and etc superpower contain on this facility]

Imperium Post Facility Formats

**Imperium Post Facility-[number]**

**Different Universe Locate:**

**Description:** [description of Imperium Post Facility]

**Named Different Universe Ruled:**

Different Universe Documents Formats

**Different Universe Named:** [Name Different Universe]

**Different Universe Class:** [Different Universe Class]

**Description:** [description of Different Universe]

**List Name Exoplanet Superpower:**
* [Name Exoplanet Superpower]

**List Name Exoplanet Anomaly:**
* [Name Exoplanet Anomaly]

Exoplanets Documents Formats

**Exoplanet Named:**

**Exoplanet Class:**


**Creatures Entity Residents List:**
* [Name Creatures Entity Civilizations]

Creatures Entity Civilizations Formats

**Full Name**
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
**Different Universe Origin**
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
**Type of Species**
[Write Here]

**Creatures Entity Civilizations Named:**

**Superpower Class:**

**Superpower Hazards:**

**Research Containment:**





Creatures Entity Individuals Formats

**Full Name**
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
**Different Universe Origin**
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
**Powers / Skills**
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
**Friends / Allies**
[Write Here]
[Write Here]
**Type of Species**
[Write Here]

**Creatures Entity Individuals Named:**

**Superpower Class:**

**Superpower Hazards:**

**Research Containment:**





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